Saturday, May 16, 2009

It seems..its gonna rain tonite..

It seems..its gonna rain tonite..
Flashin memories gushin thru d frames..
Some of ‘em walk beside
…some..just in names..
softly a stroke of wind fills in d space
to find d moonlight quietly takin its place
A streak of light again blindfolds my sight..
It seems..its gonna rain tonite..

Runnin thru d distant meadows
n crossin every sea
fightin its way wid d shadows
a pure white light, I see..

gazin thru d open fields
n flyin across d mountains
a faint memory dat builds
of every dream dat d heart detains

walkin on d shore
d waves dat touched..
d feet once drenched..
leavin d footprints on d sands
on d times dat still stands
yet d heart does wat is right..
It seems..its gonna rain tonight..

keep walkin till d road ends
till d sun descends
till d moon gives it out
to d sparkling new day every smile dat came my way..
to d horizon dat never fades
to d light on d path, dat heads
till d truth.. dat is forever right…
it seems..its gonna rain tonight…